At the sound of footsteps behind her she had stopped what she was doing to look. In Penny's side a deep gash oozed inhumanly thick, dark blood. On the ground beside Phillip was his crutch, the end of which had been sharpened to a dull point. Phillip was dead, yet the blood was not entirely his. Both figures were covered in blood but one was not moving. I turned the corner to see Penny hunched over the boy like a vulture. Maybe between the two of us we could overpower the deranged mouse, maybe without her canine entourage we stood a chance. I spontaneously twisted from the grip of the guard who had, himself, become transfixed by the anticipation of the scene and made a break for side where Phillip had disappeared. And then what, we'd choose another sacrifice and go on like this into the night? This was the closest thing to a shot in hell I'd ever have and my body reacted before my brain could tell it to stop. The entire crowd was mesmerized, staring into the empty side lot where Phillip had disappeared from sight, waiting for screams or for Penny to appear again from the balcony. Penny would never believe that this boy, barely able to round the corner of the house, was capable of breaking in at night and running off with her documents. But whatever Phil was planning to do wouldn't work. I was beginning to think that everyone had lost it when I realized that Phil had a plan of his own. As he shambled past and caught my eye there was the briefest hint of a grin on his lips. He was one of the children that had sent back a message to me when I was mapping the island. She giggled to herself at the thought of forcing Phillip to hobble alongside her on a pleasant afternoon stroll before again leaving the balcony. You always were a troublemaker, hmm? Why don't we take a walk together? The sides of his head were flat, lacking the telltale silhouette of ears. He was missing a leg from the knee down and moved slowly on a makeshift crutch. A tall, relatively older boy had stepped forward. Shocked, I glanced over to see a gangly figure. And then what would she do to me? Thoughts flew through my head like bullets but were inevitably rejected like golf balls off a brick wall. I don't even know who she thought did it but if I guessed wrong she'd keep killing until I guessed right. Penny knew it wasn't me that took her papers. Audio by Ladderface, Stinkmeister and Triangle Headįor the first time I didn't have any options, no hopeful plan or bed to hide in.